Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 14 and 15 (Tax day!!!)

Well I somehow got a burst of motivation on Monday, and am more determined than ever to do this thing.   It's not even just to lose weight anymore, I want to be tone, and I want to be healthy.

I smoked my last cigarette on Monday's now Wednesday night.   This may not seem like a big deal, but Wednesday night is GNO.    We all go to happy hour, drink, eat Mexican food, and smoke like chimneys!

So let's see.

Day 14, Tuesday

6:30am - Coffee
Workout - Lower body define

9:00am - Breakfast

12:30 - Lunch
Salad - lettuce, arugula, tomatos, chicken, avocado

3:00 Snack
Celery and 2 tbsp. peanut butter

6:00 - Dinner
Turkey/white bean/pesto burger
zucchini noodles
tomato sauce

Believe it or not....this was DELICIOUS!!!!

THEN....I went for a 2 mile walk at 9:00pm    Yay me!!!!

So...then Wednesday happened.

7:00am - Workout - PiYo CORE
1 minute push up challenge (20)

9:00 - Breakfast

12:00 - Lunch
1/2 Corner Bakery Roast Beef sandwich
side salad

2:30 - Snack
Lettuce and ham wrap

7:00 - Dinner (Happy Hour with the girls)
Chicken breast with veggies
refried beans
tortilla chips with salsa  --  ok, this wasn't so good....I did limit myself 

8:30 - Walk the dog 1/2 mile

9:00 - 2 cookies (I already gave in and had a cookie, and THEN Abby brought me one home and made me eat it.   Seriously, she made me.)


OK...well mostly a good day...and I'm looking forward to my morning workout!  :)

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